#15 ½ Kneeling Oblique Choppers

Position:  ½ kneeling

Description: First, anchor the band at a low midpoint on the wall. Position your body in front of the band perpendicular to the wall. Start in a low lunge position with your back knee under your hip and your front knee above your ankle. Keep your feet in line with your ankles. Grab onto the band with both hands. Fully extend your arms out in front of you. Keep your spine erect and shoulders down. From here, rotate your core the opposite direction of the band. Slowly release. Once this side is completed, repeat on the opposite side.

Targeted Muscle Group(s): Internal and External obliques

Progression suggestions:

  1. Standing Oblique Choppers
  2. Staggered Stance Oblique Choppers
  3. Medicine Ball Oblique Choppers 

Key Points:          

  • Draw the belly button to the spine to activate and stabilize the core.
  • Avoid rotating at your hips AND your shoulders. Imagine both joints and in front of a wall and the only way to move the band is through only twisting your core.
  • Keep your chest up and elbows extended through every rep.

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