#29 Side-Lying External Rotation

First, grab a light weight (2.5 pounds) or band. Then lie on your side with your hips and knees in a 90-degree angle. Place a pillow or a towel beneath your head for neck support. Stack your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles on top of one another. From here, place your weight in your top hand. Rest your elbow on your side and the weight above your elbow. Have your palm facing your face and keep your thumb facing out and towards the sky. Slowly bring your arm down to the ground, pause, and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions then switch sides.

Key Points:

  • Always keep your weight above your elbow.
  • Perform slow and controlled repetitions.
  • Do not use excessive weights.

Targeted Muscle Group(s): Infraspinatus


Prone DB Horizontal Abduction in External Rotation

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Standing Banded Bilateral External Rotation

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