#41 Standing Forward Flexion

Position: Standing

Description: Start standing with a dowel in each hand. Keep your chest up and shoulders down and back. Place the dowel in both hands. The hand of the working shoulder, the injured side, will take a supinated grip (palm up) and the assisted hand will take a pronated grip (palm down). Both thumbs should be parallel to the dowel. Cross the dowel over the front of your body with the injured side in front and the assisting beside your body. From here, push with the dowel up with your back hand, assisting the injured shoulder into frontal flexion. Go as high as your able to without pain. Hold for 2-4 seconds and slowly release back to the starting position.

Targeted Muscle Group(s):  Upper traps, Anterior Deltoid, Pectoralis Major, Secondary Muscles: Bicep Brachii

Key Points:

  • Push and pull the dowel up and down with your back hand.
  • Keep your working arm in line with your shoulder during forward flexion.

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